Author: heatherherbert

GRR Stage 1 – A response

We owe a great debet today to our trans and non binary friends, collgues, comrads and relitives … Today is for you Maggie Chapman MSP As I predicted, the GRR passed Stage 1; 88 to 33. However, it clearly wasn’t without issues, the relatively unknown Ash Regan resigned as minister despite not having the guts

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Media lies

Times ¨journalist¨ Dom Hanschild took to Twitter to claim that Tory MP Michael Fabricant was assaulted by protesters in Birmingham today. An incredibly serious acquisition, only … According to Michael Fabricant himself, he wasn´t. While I have to give kudos to Mr Fabricant for his honesty, this is a disgusting accusation by a Times journalist.

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Transphobia and media bias

On Tuesday the 2nd of August Ben Woods the “Senior Business Reporter” of the Telegraph wrote about the suspension of the so-called “Star observer columnist” Nick Cohen. The article, “Star Observer columnist suspended after trans rights row” Implies Mr. Cohen was suspended by the Guardian because of his stance on trans rights. The Guardian itself

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