Category: Scottish Greens

The Sky’s Getting Bumpier

Today’s turbulent skies result from climate change, as per new University of Reading research. This study reveals a concerning trend: clear-air turbulence (CAT) rises as our planet warms, posing higher air travel risks. The research reveals that over the past four decades, clear-air turbulence has surged in various global regions. In the North Atlantic air

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A Case for Supporting Green Party Success

In the wake of recent local election victories across England, the Green Party has demonstrated its growing appeal and potential influence in shaping local governance. The remarkable success in Bristol, where the Greens emerged as the largest party, is just one highlight of their expanding reach. This triumph underscores a compelling argument for considering the

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Scottish Parliament Unites in Support of Safe Access Zones Bill: A Step Forward for Reproductive Rights

In a resounding show of cross-party unity, members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) came together today to overwhelmingly support the Stage 1 vote on the Safe Access Zones Bill, proposed by Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay. The bill, which aims to establish 200-metre safe access zones—commonly known as ‘buffer zones’—around abortion service providers to prevent

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Humza Yousaf’s Autocratic Move

The past week has witnessed a seismic shift in Scottish politics, marked by deep divisions and stark betrayals within the governing coalition. At the heart of this turmoil stands Humza Yousaf, whose unilateral actions have shattered the trust and unity painstakingly forged through the Bute House Agreement. The Bute House Agreement, a cornerstone of Scotland’s

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Alex Salmond Continues to Turn a Deaf Ear to Collective Indy Strategy as Alba Plans to Contend Every Possible Constituency in the General Election

Alex Salmond made it clear that his relatively new political party, Alba, will put forward as many candidates in the impending general election as their resources allow. This announcement comes after his request for a unified front among pro-independence parties has been flatly turned down. The former First Minister of Scotland stated quite emphatically that

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