Category: Scottish Labour

Keir Starmer Queer Harmer

Are you concerned about the changes in trans healthcare policies and want to hold politicians accountable? Here’s a guide on how to ask key questions to Labour or Conservative MPs and politicians, film their responses, and share them on social media using the hashtag #KeirStarmerQueerHarmer. Why These Questions Matter: Puberty blockers are medications that delay

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Independence: Unleashing ‘Brand Scotland’ on the Global Stage

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar recently announced plans to promote “Brand Scotland” through UK embassies. This highlights the significant economic and cultural value of Scottish products. Scottish independence better realizes the vision for a thriving economy and global presence. It allows Scotland to control its branding, trade policies, and international relations. The Potential of an

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Labour, Commitment to Workers’ Rights?

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has confirmed that his family’s wholesale business currently does not pay all workers the “real living wage“, underscoring the ongoing struggle for workers’ rights under the Labour Party’s current leadership. Critics claim Labour, once for the working class, now resembles Tories, favouring corporates over labour reforms. Unions criticized Labour’s “New

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Why Anas Sarwar’s Views on Gender Are Transphobic

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar’s recent comments on gender recognition and single-sex spaces have sparked controversy and rightly so. In an interview with Radio Times, Sarwar displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of transgender issues and perpetuated harmful stereotypes. His statements not only undermine the rights and dignity of transgender individuals but also reveal a concerning lack

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Scottish Parliament Unites in Support of Safe Access Zones Bill: A Step Forward for Reproductive Rights

In a resounding show of cross-party unity, members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) came together today to overwhelmingly support the Stage 1 vote on the Safe Access Zones Bill, proposed by Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay. The bill, which aims to establish 200-metre safe access zones—commonly known as ‘buffer zones’—around abortion service providers to prevent

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The democratic will

In their time in government, the … have run roughshod over Scotland’s democracy. Scottish Conservatives Today, we look forward to the time when this moment will be seen as a turning point:the day when democracy was renewed in Scotland, when we revitalised our place inthis our United Kingdom. Donald Dewar, the open of the Scottish

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