Category: Debunking

Tory Power Struggle

Introduction The Conservative Party, traditionally known for its discipline and unity, has in recent years faced internal turbulence. This is epitomized by the growing tensions between the parliamentary party and its grassroots members. Central to this internal conflict is the 1922 Committee, a powerful body within the party that significantly influences leadership decisions. Recent discussions

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“Social Contagion” Myth Busted

The same old tired, fear-based rhetoric from anti-trans lobbyists and politicians about a “tidal wave” of people identifying as transgender. (fueled, they claim, by the all-powerful propagator of “social contagion”) got a massive reality check recently. Of course, facts rarely get in the way of a good drama. A sensationalist New York Times article on

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Just Another Day in Sports-ville: Transgender Athletes and Their Non-threatening Presence – Busting Myths!

If you’re here for an infuriated debate on the existential crisis that cisgender athletes supposedly face due to transgender athletes, spoiler alert: you’ve accidentally stumbled into the wrong internet territory. Turn around, for ahead lie facts, funny anecdotes, and – oh dear – academic literature! Now, if you’re adjusting your glasses and preparing popcorn for

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Vote Early, Vote Often

Vote early, vote often John Van Buren For those who don’t know I have a degree in Computer Science (actually it’s a double major degree, computer science and psychology), with a focus on Computer Security. Earlier this week the National published an online poll asking “Who would you like to see as the next SNP

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A screen shot of a tweet that reads, I have quite a few mutuals who follow @LGBallianceNYC & I feel it imperative to warn you that the man running the account (he’s one person pretending to be an orginisation) is a registered child sex offered in the state of new york. then their is a

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Media lies

Times ¨journalist¨ Dom Hanschild took to Twitter to claim that Tory MP Michael Fabricant was assaulted by protesters in Birmingham today. An incredibly serious acquisition, only … According to Michael Fabricant himself, he wasn´t. While I have to give kudos to Mr Fabricant for his honesty, this is a disgusting accusation by a Times journalist.

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