Category: Election 2024

Women Being Wheesht

Research from Loughborough University has revealed that male voices have overwhelmingly dominated the coverage of the general election. Academics from the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture have audited news coverage for every general election since 1992. This analysis spans TV coverage from major broadcasters and print reporting by both broadsheet and tabloid newspapers

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Kremlin Election Interference

Recent revelations about foreign interference in the upcoming UK elections have sparked significant concern. The ABC’s investigative report highlights the alarming influence of coordinated disinformation campaigns, primarily orchestrated through Facebook pages spreading Kremlin propaganda. This interference is a stark reminder of the ongoing threats to democratic processes and the need for vigilance and action. The

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June 27th – a day on the campaign trail.

With one week remaining until the general election, today was marked by significant controversy surrounding Reform UK. An undercover investigation by Channel 4 revealed campaigners making racist, homophobic, and Islamophobic comments. This led to swift condemnation from party leaders Nigel Farage and Richard Tice. Key Events Undercover Investigation and Responses Channel 4’s undercover footage captured

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A Once-in-a-Century Opportunity

How Tactical Voting Can Push the Tories to Third Place A new poll from Focaldata, in partnership with Prolific, shows us something remarkable about the upcoming 2024 General Election. The data suggests that Labour is set for a massive win, potentially taking a 250-seat majority in Parliament. Meanwhile, the Conservatives, often called the Tories, are

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Perils of Populism

In recent years, right-wing populism has surged across Europe and the United States. This surge is driven by economic strain, cultural warfare, and hostility towards immigrants. This movement is spearheaded in the UK by figures like Nigel Farage. It significantly threatens the country’s democratic fabric and national unity. Farage’s brand of populism undermines the values

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Fleeing Flock

In a scene reminiscent of a misadventure on a Devon farm, the Conservative Party faces a dire predicament. It is akin to a flock of sheep fleeing from their supposed caretakers. This imagery encapsulates the current state of the Tories. According to a recent Ipsos poll, they face their worst electoral defeat in history. Labour

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Disconnected Conservatives

In a recent interview, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made headlines by claiming that he went without “lots of things” as a child, including Sky TV. This statement was made during a conversation with ITV. It was meant to illustrate the sacrifices his parents made. However, it starkly highlights just how out of touch Sunak—and by

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Tory Manifesto Car Crash

The Tory manifesto launch at Silverstone was quite fitting – after all, what better place to unveil a “car crash” of a plan than at a racing track? Is This the Last Chance to Shift Tory Fortunes? The Conservative manifesto, presented as a desperate attempt to regain voter trust, is more of a wishful thinking

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Rishi to go?

Welcome back to our election analysis series. On this peaceful Sunday morning, most of us relax while political pundits nationwide speculate frantically. They analyze whispers, scrutinize gestures, and delve into metaphors, all to predict the Conservative Party’s future. Rumours are swirling. We must stress they’re just rumours. The buzz suggests Rishi Sunak might resign soon.

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