Category: Rishi Sunak

June 27th – a day on the campaign trail.

With one week remaining until the general election, today was marked by significant controversy surrounding Reform UK. An undercover investigation by Channel 4 revealed campaigners making racist, homophobic, and Islamophobic comments. This led to swift condemnation from party leaders Nigel Farage and Richard Tice. Key Events Undercover Investigation and Responses Channel 4’s undercover footage captured

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Fleeing Flock

In a scene reminiscent of a misadventure on a Devon farm, the Conservative Party faces a dire predicament. It is akin to a flock of sheep fleeing from their supposed caretakers. This imagery encapsulates the current state of the Tories. According to a recent Ipsos poll, they face their worst electoral defeat in history. Labour

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Disconnected Conservatives

In a recent interview, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made headlines by claiming that he went without “lots of things” as a child, including Sky TV. This statement was made during a conversation with ITV. It was meant to illustrate the sacrifices his parents made. However, it starkly highlights just how out of touch Sunak—and by

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Rishi to go?

Welcome back to our election analysis series. On this peaceful Sunday morning, most of us relax while political pundits nationwide speculate frantically. They analyze whispers, scrutinize gestures, and delve into metaphors, all to predict the Conservative Party’s future. Rumours are swirling. We must stress they’re just rumours. The buzz suggests Rishi Sunak might resign soon.

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Schools in England Face Government Clampdown on Gender Identity

In a move reminiscent of right-wing fearmongering, the UK government has unveiled draft guidance to prohibit teaching gender identity in English schools. This guidance aligns with the Conservative Party’s attempts to garner support from reactionary elements within their base. It echoes the baseless myths propagated by extremists. Sources within the government disclosed to the BBC

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Tory MP James Daly Claims Poor Parenting Responsible for Children’s Struggles

James Daly, the Conservative MP for Bury North, stirred controversy by stating that struggling children in his constituency are primarily the “products of crap parents”. Daly, elected in 2019, expressed these claims in a conversation with the i newspaper. Bury North is a politically contested area, with a history of alternating between Labour and Conservative

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