No sense being a grifter if its the same as bein’ a citizen.
Henry Gondorff – The Sting
Yesterday the courier ran a story about a police probe into transphobe, Marion Millar. Not this time for her transphobia but for fraud.
It appears not only did allegedly steal the thousands of pounds crowdfunded for her legal case
She also appears to have defrauded a number of companies (one to the tune of £50,000) while she worked for Airdrie-based accountancy firm Millar & McIntyre. Apparently, the police have been well aware of this alleged fraud for a long time, at least over a year. But have sat on it, as one source told the courier:
“I reported this to the police more than a year ago and since then they have contacted me once to update me, and only a handful of other times as a result of my chasing them. This, unfortunately, didn’t just effect me, there were numerous others.”
You have to wonder if Joanna Cherry KC, Debbie Hayton and JK Rowling will be jumping to her defence again? If Arnot Manderson Advocates will take her case?
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