Tag: Gender Critical

Why Anas Sarwar’s Views on Gender Are Transphobic

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar’s recent comments on gender recognition and single-sex spaces have sparked controversy and rightly so. In an interview with Radio Times, Sarwar displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of transgender issues and perpetuated harmful stereotypes. His statements not only undermine the rights and dignity of transgender individuals but also reveal a concerning lack

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Grifters gonna Grift

No sense being a grifter if its the same as bein’ a citizen. Henry Gondorff – The Sting Yesterday the courier ran a story about a police probe into transphobe, Marion Millar. Not this time for her transphobia but for fraud. It appears not only did allegedly steal the thousands of pounds crowdfunded for her

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A “First” test for Mastodon

Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast Tom Peters So Suzanne Moore, she of “It’s not transphobic to question child chest binding” and “If Stonewall doesn’t represent a woman like Allison Bailey, then who is it for?” fame, has joined Mastadon. I of course have blocked and reported her but it will be interesting to see

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GRR Stage 1 – A response

We owe a great debet today to our trans and non binary friends, collgues, comrads and relitives … Today is for you Maggie Chapman MSP As I predicted, the GRR passed Stage 1; 88 to 33. However, it clearly wasn’t without issues, the relatively unknown Ash Regan resigned as minister despite not having the guts

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