Tag: transphobia

Why Anas Sarwar’s Views on Gender Are Transphobic

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar’s recent comments on gender recognition and single-sex spaces have sparked controversy and rightly so. In an interview with Radio Times, Sarwar displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of transgender issues and perpetuated harmful stereotypes. His statements not only undermine the rights and dignity of transgender individuals but also reveal a concerning lack

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Well, We Warned You! UK’s Anti-Trans Stance Could Land it in Some Deep Trouble at the UN

The good folks over at the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in the UK may soon find themselves persona non grata at the United Nations human rights discussions, thanks to their indefatigable efforts to uphold the outdated concept of “biological sex.“ Leading the charge for this ideological throwback is Baroness Falkner of Margravine, the

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However, if we don’t confront the seed of lies, it gives place for them to take root in us and we become bound to the “prison cell” that those lies create. E’yen A. Gardner, Break Free If you’ve been active on LGBT+ Twitter over the last year you may remember this. It’s a photo from

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They tried to disrupt Parliament.

Not all terrorists live in the shadows, some own rocket companies, and provide fellow terrorists unhindered, “above-the-law” access to all the exposure they could dream of. Abhijit Naskar You may have seen the news about protestors disrupting parliament last week. Thankfully the person who flashed parliament in front of children is now being investigated by

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Grifters gonna Grift

No sense being a grifter if its the same as bein’ a citizen. Henry Gondorff – The Sting Yesterday the courier ran a story about a police probe into transphobe, Marion Millar. Not this time for her transphobia but for fraud. It appears not only did allegedly steal the thousands of pounds crowdfunded for her

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A “First” test for Mastodon

Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast Tom Peters So Suzanne Moore, she of “It’s not transphobic to question child chest binding” and “If Stonewall doesn’t represent a woman like Allison Bailey, then who is it for?” fame, has joined Mastadon. I of course have blocked and reported her but it will be interesting to see

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