Category: News

Vote Early, Vote Often

Vote early, vote often John Van Buren For those who don’t know I have a degree in Computer Science (actually it’s a double major degree, computer science and psychology), with a focus on Computer Security. Earlier this week the National published an online poll asking “Who would you like to see as the next SNP

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The democratic will

In their time in government, the … have run roughshod over Scotland’s democracy. Scottish Conservatives Today, we look forward to the time when this moment will be seen as a turning point:the day when democracy was renewed in Scotland, when we revitalised our place inthis our United Kingdom. Donald Dewar, the open of the Scottish

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GRR Stage 1 – A response

We owe a great debet today to our trans and non binary friends, collgues, comrads and relitives … Today is for you Maggie Chapman MSP As I predicted, the GRR passed Stage 1; 88 to 33. However, it clearly wasn’t without issues, the relatively unknown Ash Regan resigned as minister despite not having the guts

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