I’m back at work today and so not in the office (I foolishly thought two days would be enough!), but I’ll do my best to live blog today’s events.
You can watch today’s proceedings after FMQs which starts at noon (est. 1:15pm) on ScottishParliment.tv.
if you’re on Twitter you can follow Beth and Abbie who (assuming they have any energy left) will be live tweeting.
Later today (hopefully before MSPs vote on it) you’ll be able to find the final wording on the Scottish government’s web site (at the foot of the linked page)
13:25 – ACH – GRCs have nothing to do with access to spaces or medical access.
13:24 – Seriously, ACH points out that over 350,000,000 live in countries that allow self-id
13:23 – ACH – says he and his party will vote as one, I thought there were a few more of them than that, but fair enough.
13:20 – Well said Pam Duncan-Glancy, well said.
13:12 – Rachael Hamilton says ‘women won’t wheesht’ mere moments after telling Emma Roddick to do so
13:09 – Racheal, complains that the GRR hasn’t been based on compromise, then says she doesn’t agree with the compromise amendment Gillian Martin didn’t go far enogth.
13:06 – Yes Racheal, It’s shown you and your party in an atrocious light
12:51 – It took less than a minute for Racheal Hamilton to utter the now infamous words “A point of order”, Every politician, at every level, should ignore every single Tory intervention.
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