
Just Another Day in Sports-ville: Transgender Athletes and Their Non-threatening Presence – Busting Myths!

If you’re here for an infuriated debate on the existential crisis that cisgender athletes supposedly face due to transgender athletes, spoiler alert: you’ve accidentally stumbled into the wrong internet territory. Turn around, for ahead lie facts, funny anecdotes, and – oh dear – academic literature! Now, if you’re adjusting your glasses and preparing popcorn for

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Re-evaluating the Roman Emperor Elagabalus: A Transgender Icon Forgotten By History

The enigmatic figure of Elagabalus, a Roman emperor who reigned from 218 to 222 CE, has long fascinated historians, social scientists, and the general public alike. Scholars, who examine the emperor’s life through a variety of different lenses, have continually grappled with the far-reaching implications of Elagabalus’s gender identity. An increasing amount of academic literature,

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Royal Navy’s Nuclear Submarine Plunges Into Dangerous Depths, A Chilling Reminder of the Nuclear Threat

In an unsettling incident that underscores the persistent dangers of nuclear militarisation, a Royal Navy nuclear submarine descended perilously close to catastrophic oceanic depths due to a gauge malfunction, multiple reports reveal. The nuclear-powered submarine was perilously close to crossing the so-called “depth danger zone”, a threshold that these vessels can endure before the risk

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Alex Salmond Continues to Turn a Deaf Ear to Collective Indy Strategy as Alba Plans to Contend Every Possible Constituency in the General Election

Alex Salmond made it clear that his relatively new political party, Alba, will put forward as many candidates in the impending general election as their resources allow. This announcement comes after his request for a unified front among pro-independence parties has been flatly turned down. The former First Minister of Scotland stated quite emphatically that

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Vote Early, Vote Often

Vote early, vote often John Van Buren For those who don’t know I have a degree in Computer Science (actually it’s a double major degree, computer science and psychology), with a focus on Computer Security. Earlier this week the National published an online poll asking “Who would you like to see as the next SNP

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