The EBU Should Ban Israel from Eurovision 2025

In recent years, Eurovision has been embroiled in controversies that transcend music. These issues touch upon critical aspects of international law and human rights. The latest incident involving Israel’s delegation at Eurovision 2024 highlights a broader and more urgent problem: the need for the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) to take a definitive stance against violations of international humanitarian law by banning Israel from future contests.

The Case Against Israel’s Participation

Ireland’s 2024 Eurovision contestant, Bambie Thug, has exposed alleged violations committed by the Israeli delegation. The EBU is currently investigating these claims, which include inappropriate comments made by the Israeli broadcaster KAN during Bambie Thug’s performance, and off-stage incidents that disrupted the dress rehearsal of the Grand Final. These events are not just minor infractions; they reflect a deeper issue of politicization and harassment within the Eurovision framework.

Bambie Thug’s concerns are twofold.First, KAN’s political comments during the broadcast influenced the voting process. This violated EBU regulations that aim to keep Eurovision apolitical. Second, the Irish delegation faced direct harassment from the Israeli team. They were also subjected to illegal filming, compromising the event’s integrity and safety.

A Broader Context of Humanitarian Violations

The controversy at Eurovision is a microcosm of Israel’s broader conduct on the international stage. The actions of the Israeli military in Gaza, particularly the events surrounding the al-Shifa hospital, paint a grim picture. The hospital, once the largest medical facility in Gaza, has been devastated by repeated attacks. Despite Israel’s claims of targeting militants, the reality on the ground has shown a different story, with hundreds of civilian casualties and mass graves being uncovered.

International bodies, including the UN Security Council, have expressed deep concern over these actions, calling for independent investigations into potential war crimes. The accounts of bodies with signs of torture and execution found at al-Shifa Hospital underscore the severe humanitarian violations occurring under the guise of military operations. These are not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern of disregard for international humanitarian law.

The Role of the EBU and the Responsibility of the International Community

The EBU has a responsibility to ensure that Eurovision remains a safe and fair competition, free from political interference and harassment. If Israel continues without addressing these allegations, Eurovision’s unity and peace-promoting values will be undermined.

Moreover, the international community, including influential cultural organizations like the EBU, must take a stand against human rights violations. This does not mean endorsing or supporting any extremist groups; rather, it is about holding states accountable for their actions under international law. Banning Israel from Eurovision 2025 would send a strong message that the EBU does not tolerate violations of human rights and international law.


The EBU’s decision on Israel’s participation in future Eurovision contests will have significant implications. This is not about taking sides in a complex political conflict. It is about upholding principles of justice and human rights. The evidence of Israel’s violations cannot be ignored. These violations occurred both within Eurovision and in its military actions in Gaza. The only right move for the EBU is to ban the Israeli delegation. This reinforces its commitment to a fair, safe, and apolitical Eurovision Song Contest. This stance does not endorse any terrorist organization. Instead, it’s a crucial step in global human rights advocacy.

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