The Scottish Government has turned it’s back on trans people. They are running scared. Scared of the many anti-trans hate groups, that have popped up in recent years. Groups like Woman Won’t Wheesht and For Woman Scotland. These groups are holding a gun to the head of Scottish Democracy. The mere mention of the word trans by Holyrood and these groups launch a full-scale assault on Parliament. Terrorising MSPs with an onslaught of angry emails and online communications. Accusing anyone who supports trans people as being the ‘enemy of women.’ Screaming voices leveraged by legacy media and influential billionaires with an axe to grind.
Time and again the Scottish Parliament capitulates to these terrorists. Driven by fear of being destroyed in the media or dragged through the courts. From forcing the government to debate the definition of a woman to parading about in a merkin. There is no limit to the intimidation of politicians by these vicious hate cults.
Back in 2022 things were looking up for trans Scots under the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon. A formidable leader and strong trans ally. She did not back down in the face of bigotry. During her term as First Minister (FM), The Scottish Parliament passed a historic Bill to reform Gender Recognition Law in Scotland. The reforms made it much easier for a trans person living in Scotland to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). This would allow many more trans people to update the sex on their birth certificate to match their gender identity. This was brilliant. A real push for trans equality!
Alas, these reforms were blocked from passing into law by the UK Parliament. Within a month of the bill’s passing, it was struck down by a Section 35 order issued from Westminster. This order meant that the reforms would no longer be enacted. An outrageous decision that was legally challenged by Holyrood. Unfortunately, the legal challenge failed. But at least they tried!
Today the Scottish Government has lost the passion it had for improving the lives of trans people. They have done nothing to challenge the deeply cruel Ban On Puberty Blockers. Not even acknowledging the hardship and suffering it has caused the trans community. A far cry indeed from Sturgeon’s compassionate government. The current Scottish Parliament seems more content to appease anti-LGBTQIA+ voices than to confront them. FM John Swinney appointing Kate Forbes as deputy FM is deeply insulting. She is openly homophobic, transphobic and anti-abortion. A real spit in the face to anyone who believes in equality and inclusion.
So trans people have been cast adrift. An afterthought in these times of rising inequality and division. The Scottish Government know trans children are suffering. They know that it heightens the risk of them dying. Yet, they still say nothing! Instead, they are slamming the break on and abandoning progress. Shelving reforms to the GRC process and ignoring the trans community.
So why are they doing this?
To appease the far-right agitators that are flooding the Western world with their closed-minded bigotry. Agitators that want to seize power and eradicate minority groups from existence!
The Scottish Government must take a stand against this hate. Otherwise it can kiss goodbye any hopes of becoming an independent nation.
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